Insurance & Payment

Learn more about payment options and insurance options.


Though several of our clients have achieved success in obtaining reimbursement with HearSense SC as an out-of-network provider, we do not accept insurance. We understand that this may be a hardship for many families, but this provides us freedom from numerous constraints caused by working within the managed care system. We have freedom from labels, pigeonholes, and from being confined within that system. In our experience, insurance reimbursement varies widely by the insurance carrier, type of insurance policy, and the specifics of each case. We accept all major credit cards, checks, and cash. Our goal is to maximize listening and learning potentials, improve behavior and self-regulation, and create a better quality of life for the children we serve.


Though several of our clients have achieved success in obtaining reimbursement with HearSense SC as an out-of-network provider, we do not accept insurance. We understand that this may be a hardship for many families, but this provides us freedom from numerous constraints caused by working within the managed care system. We have freedom from labels, pigeonholes, and from being confined within that system. In our experience, insurance reimbursement varies widely by the insurance carrier, type of insurance policy, and the specifics of each case. We accept all major credit cards, checks, and cash. Our goal is to maximize listening and learning potentials, improve behavior and self-regulation, and create a better quality of life for the children we serve.


Customer Satisfaction

We make your spending stress-free for you to have the perfect control.

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Customer Satisfaction


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Contact HearSense SC in Columbia, South Carolina.


Send us an email with your questions and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Email address


Call us today. If after business hours, we'll get back with you as soon as possible.

(803) 567 2533


If you're coming to our clinic for an appointment, here is where we're located.

115 Atrium Way # 102 Columbia
SC 29223 USA